Comprehensive Plan Update 2023
The Town of Paris is currently updating its 2014 Comprehensive Plan. The new Comprehensive Plan will update the inventory of existing conditions of the Town; renew our vision, future goals and objectives for development; and include an implementation plan for these goals. The plan will address topics such as:
Future growth and land use
Natural resources
Housing and neighborhoods
Transportation and infrastructure
Parks and recreation
Community facilities and services

Take the new Comp Plan Survey!

Community Events
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Join us at the first community meeting to set the vision for the Town's Comprehensive Plan update.
Take the Survey!
Help us understand your vision for growth in Paris over the next 5-10 years. Please take this short survey to describe the changes you’d like to see in your community.
2014 Comp Plan
You can review the Town's existing Comprehensive Plan, prepared in 2014. The draft Comprehensive Plan update with maps and images will be posted when available.